all images Copyright 2011 © Andrea Lira


Dec 24, 2011

Every movement in life means something.
Every gesture says something.
Every posture conveys an emotion.
Every shape reveals its content.
The rhythm and the feeling of the motion is the level of intensity.
Everything is a language, and we can create languages from anything, from an eye blinking, from the motion of a shoulder, from the movement of your nose, your hear, the wind, the leaves falling, stones, water, the clouds and all the elements of nature that talk to us. We just need to watch and learn to read them. Like the secret language between to lovers that learn to read each other’s eyes, breathing and silence. Silence is another language as important as words and body language. Silence talk about everything and nothing.  When we see people talking they are not always communicating effectively, sometimes a long hug can say more things.  I believe that hand gestures and eyes are the language of the soul. They move unconsciously many times, we can't always control them and many times the act and protect them trying to hide their emotions but they always find a way to say the truth no matter how much you try to hide them.  This is why in my drawing, body postures and motion are key elements to understand the characters language and they complex existence. This characters are part of me and I am inside of them as well, we both try to understand who we are and why do we need to act the way we act, why do I need to draw them why do they need me and how to better understand life by creating and recreating life experiences. What is the pain that exist in all of us, why do we worry, why do we need to love, why do we hate. All this range of emotions can be translates into motion, into specific postures that communicate what is to be a human a fragile human that is supernatural and mortal at the same time. 

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